Friday, February 22, 2008

Little Mermaid

This is a personal project in progress - illustrating Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid. There are many more illustrations to come, and they will be both very dark and very bright.

To read an essay about the real meaning of this dark tale, go to the Journal of Mythic Arts - Endicott Studio, here: A Million Little Mermaids

I was delighted when my own mermaid art was featured at Endicott Studio.

You can read the Hans Christian Andersen story here
The Little Mermaid
or listen here.

little mermaid 3600fr t

mermaid mirror eye 2900


big fish tank nautilus2

mermaid garden t

alice wernher nautilus black t

mermaid garden alex grisblu

mermaid scallop coral 3000t

shawl bloodwater t

galleon fire mermaid 2500t

witch no frame t

little mermaid - sweetest r

witch goblin1200y

dk goblet 4000t

mermaid red 4000b t

falls mist dk

mermaid foam wave fr lett2

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