Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?

Four years after the worst civil engineering disaster in the world since Chernobyl, one of the greatest cities in the world is still a mess.
Here is a summary of the situation in NOLA from the Huffington Post.

Please support Common Ground Relief in NOLA and in their work.

Buy a Marie Laveau Voodoo Queen shirt, a mug, a button, a bag.... All profits from sales go to Common Ground Relief in New Orleans. Click on the image to get a better view of these wicked good products. And the t-shirts also come in BLACK!

Common Ground’s mission is to provide short term relief for victims of hurricane disasters in the Gulf Coast region, and long term support in rebuilding the communities affected in the New Orleans area. Common Ground is a community-initiated volunteer organization offering assistance, mutual aid and support. The work gives hope to communities by working with them, providing for their immediate needs and emphasizes people working together to rebuild their lives in sustainable ways.